
Forthcoming Training Sessions, Coaching Courses and Other Events

See the information in the sub-pages concerning:

Enhanced Training for Runners sessions on Mondays and Wednesdays, effectively year-round, with top-class coaches offering circuit and aerobic training on Monday evenings (in central Bradford) and interval and speed training on Wednesday evenings (in Keighley).

Saturday or weekend training sessions, aimed at developing either off-road running skills, or pace-judgement and long, steady runs for runners aiming at a half-marathon or marathon.

day conferences, often at weekends, and often under the auspices of the Yorkshire regional endurance programme, to develop the expertise of coaches and the knowledge base of runners.

workshops on weekday evenings or weekend mornings, including video-analysis or fitness testing evenings, or practical workshops on specific skills for runners.

forthcoming coaching courses for those who want to lead running groups at whatever level.

social events organised by the participants in the various programmes.

community links, helping clubs and the sport of athletics to build closer links with its community or other charitable or volunteer groups in the neighbourhood, and develop volunteer links.